
Tuesday, 27 January 2015

New Year, New Experiences

Happy 2015.

It's been colder and for longer than in January 2014. As the bees did not take anywhere near as much sugar syrup this year we assume they had good supplies and did not need to supplement them as much.

Jobs for 2015 include the following

  • Replace the pine brood box with cedar wood. The current box is too soft and damp and is showing signs of breaking down.
  • Replace the frames in the brood box. The ones in there are gunked up and falling apart.
  • Build a shelter over the hive to protect it from rain and wind. We have heard this will increase honey yield.
Thankfully the lovely people at Thornes Beehives had a January Sale. I love a good sale and the bee supplies were no exception.

This morning the box arrived. Meticulously packed with processed recycled cardboard it was a treat to receive.

We've bought 50 flat pack frames for honey supers, flat pack frames for the brood body, spring feed as I'm worried the lack of Autumn feeding may leave them short of supplies in  spring if the cold winter continues.  And we've bought a thing called a Hive Duvet. this is actually a piece of foam cut to size. At £2 who could turn it down?

We also bought Porter bee escapes (the lozenge shape items) and the bag of Ambrosia bee bread which is basically a large pack of fondant icing. At thirteen of your english pounds it's pretty expensive so i need to look into how you make it yourself. I can't help feel fresh is best.

How are the buzzy girls.

I was worried about the bees because it's been cold and months since i've seen the delightful vortex of bees flying in sunlight. So, being a herbalist, I took my stethoscope to the end of the garden and had a listen. At first I could only hear the air craft flying over head but when it passed I could still hear a distinct hum. Quite a relief which was compounded when, having accidentally tapped the back of the brood box with the bell of the stethoscope, a couple of the guard bees came out to see what I was up to.

All good news!

Happy January :-)

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