
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Bee Keeping and Honey

Spreading a Little Joy.

This is a short blog post.
A couple of months ago I added another honey super to my hive. It was flat packed and I had to build it myself. So it is with great joy I can announce that it's absolutely chock full of honey. Ooozing with it. 

Last week a photographer called Laura Allen came to take some pictures of the hive. We're working together on a book-details of which when the project is no longer a secret-and we needed some pictures representing honey. She also needs some eggs to post so she  was deeply disappointed (not) to leave with half a dozen freshly laid eggs in various colours.

There are lots of lovely pictures to follow but here is one to be going on with. 

This was never intended to be a glamour shot but boy do i look like a bee keeper and oddly, for those in my family just like my sister Ellinor who is much taller, slimmer and darker than I am. Goodness but genetics will out in the most peculiar moments.

What you see here is a honey frame. The white area is capped honey comb and that frame weighs around a couple of kilos. The ladies were surprisingly relaxed with us as we tidied up the hive and removed burr comb.

As soon as I have more pictures I will share them with you but in the mean time please pop along to Laura's blog. She is an amazing photographer and artist. I love her work and feel extremely privileged to be working with her.
